How do I prepare for the cleaning?

by admin - March 11, 2017

First, mention your specific wants and needs while booking online or with a Dallas Maids representative. Go into detail. Give us instructions on handling pets, keys, alarms, or other specifics about your household. If you want us to pay extra attention to any area, make your requests at this time so we can bring any special cleaning supplies and be prepared to address these issues on our first visit.


It is fine to give us a to-do list. Just include it while booking online, or email us before your appointment. That way, we will be sure to schedule enough time to take care of the tasks on your list. We are happy to address very specific items, even room by room.


A note on small items


Clutter is the No. 1 thing that slows us down. The truth is that knickknacks, however neatly arranged, are glorified clutter. Just because you treasure an object does not mean it is not clutter. An excess of items that are not used or moved frequently causes dust and grime to build up in that general area.


Closely related to clutter is outright mess. Our professional housecleaners are ready to start the dirty work as soon as they arrive at your home. But first, they have to pick up all the newspapers and magazines, Legos and pet toys, pins and pens, dishes and glasses, clothing and shoes strewn all over.


We do not mind picking up before we clean. After all, you are paying us for the extra time it takes to do it. But it is not the best use of your money.


When you spend a few minutes putting everything in its place, we can do the jobs you hate most, such as scrubbing the toilets and mopping the floors. Besides, by training little Tommy and Alayna to tidy up after themselves, you are instilling a life skill that will serve them well socially and professionally.